Who is Michael Tyler

Michael Tyler LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Mental Health Activist, Medical Marijuana Consultant, and Life Coach.

The journey that led Mr. Tyler to pursue such a diverse path was inspired by having a diverse upbringing due to being a child of an Veteran & even personal experiences of feelings of inadqatecy following his masters program. Mr. Michael Tyler designed a Eclectic Therapeutic model of including services encouraging individuals to invest time and attention into their mental health. His work is comprised of methods that decrease stress and guard against mental fatigue.

“I always wanted to know why people behaved so differently,” explains Mr. Tyler “and I decided to go into psychology because it allowed me to learn about how people think, how they react to situations and how they grow.” He adds, “the goal of being a Mental Health Therapist is to be a representation of black men in mental health and break the negative stigma.”

About Eclectic Counseling Therapeutics

Eclectic Counseling Therapeutics  developed in 2023 by Mr. Tyler , provides mental health services for clients to achieve healthy relationships, emotional balance, and personal goals.

Mr. Tyler’s experience has taken him across the country as a student & advocate engaging audiences around topics such as Mental Health Stigma, Trauma Recovery, Seasonal Depression, Self Care Empowerment and Diversity. He also specializes in self-care techniques that support the African American community. Mr. Tyler provides group therapy for people recently reentering society from incarceration in Philadelphia. While providing Individual Therapy as well as groups he incorporates inclusive practices and helps to facilitate cultural identity awareness as well as mindfulness. The insights acquired inspired Mr. Tyler to cultivate the identity and mental health service known as Eclectic Counseling Therapeutics

Our Goal

This platform represents the passion of one individual whose research and clinical experiences have led him to develop a vision that benefits us all: Eclectic Therapy is the future of mental health! Mr. Tyler’s goal is to remind us that a better life is often just a different perception that will create the necessary space to live a healthier lifestyle.

We look forward to Partnering and Working with you.

Partner with us to transform your vision into reality. Together, we will navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve extraordinary success. Let’s embark on this journey to elevate Mental health to new heights!”